My Classy Mom Cookie Class
2 Cookie Decorating Sacramento Classes left ~ Saturday, May 4th & 11th, 2-4 p.m.
Service Description
Discover the joy of cookie decorating with this beginner-friendly class called "My Classy Mom." This is perfect for a fun and creative get-away, a mom and me activity, or a chance to unwind on Friday after work. Jodi will guide you through the process, making it easy and enjoyable for everyone. We'll be adding some fun, new techniques in this class such as making tipless florals! Book now and unleash your creativity with The Floured Canvas. You will take home 5 Cookies -- 2 large and 3 smaller cookies -- in a take-home container to show off and share with your loved ones. All you need to do is sign up and show up! All material for class will be provided. You will receive an invoice immediately and a follow-up email with the class address. If you do not get an invoice within 10 minutes, please check your spam. SPECIAL NOTES: * If there are less than 4 students who sign up on a day, class will have to be cancelled. * Because of time and planning involved, there are no refunds or rainchecks, but please feel free to resell or gift your ticket to someone else. (Go to my Facebook site and look under the class pictured post for people on the waiting list, and please contact them yourself.) * With this outrageous inflation and extra time in this class, the price of ingredients has more than quadrupled, so I did have to raise prices this year. (sigh.) *. We won't be 6 feet apart. Masks are optional. * If you don't get into a class, please go to my Facebook site and comment about being on the WAITING LIST under the class picture post. Suprisingly, a big majority of waiting list people end up getting in! The seller will contact you personally through that post or a private instant message. * 10 years to adult preferred, but as you know your child, I'll leave that up to you. * Payment is only through this avenue. Thank you for your continued small business support!!!
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
Sorry. Because of time, preparation, and expense, there are no raincheck or refunds.
Contact Details
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© 2023 by Jodi Till